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YFriday, February 27, 2009
I'm not postiing anythiing today..
As today workiing nth much to say..

Onlii chiiong laogong acc..


Baby !

3:37 PM

YThursday, February 26, 2009
Wake up at 10.45am? Dunno.
Den go watch tv tiis and tat..

Nvm.. Dun say them le...
Laogong msg mii at 6am plus.. :o
I stiill slpiing.. ^^

Den tiill afternoon, nw laogong msg mii. Miiss hiim lots la.. T_T

8.15pm mii and dii briing dog to canal.. Walk tiill half my shoes almost tone. >,,< So Suay.. Den tot ii come tat thiingy.. o.O? Dun have leh. T_T
Walk one round and meet jiie at de playground..
Den went home at 8.55pm.. Cox we wanted to watch channel 8 de show.. Den mummy call and ask to buy bread and newspaper.

Den tiis and tat lo.. Waiitiing for laogong msg nw.. xDD

Baby !

1:01 PM

YWednesday, February 25, 2009

Wake up at 10am plus.. Msg laogong a morniing sms, den ii watch tv.. And ii was playiing wiif dog. Play tiil half dog de teeth suddenly drop out. I saw hiis mouth bleediing. :(

After awhiile, laogong msg and miiss cal mii norh...
Diidn't noe laogong msg and miiss cal mii.. Den he cal my house phone.. Mummy piicked up. xDD

Very siian narh..
Ltr goiing to kiio riings at PS.. Maybe wiill shun biian go fiind jiie at Batok.

K... I stop here le..
Back le wiill contiinue below..

Wahh!! Today can say iis lots of thiings happen. o.O
Went out at 3plus, buy driinks den go bus stop. B4 goiing to bus-stop ii saw many ppl crowed at de liift there.. Many auntie lookiing at dunno wat, ii oso stop and kpo abiit... :p

I saw one iidiian baby de hand iinsiide de liift door.. Den ii scare dao dun dare to see le.. >< I faster go away.. After 10miin ambulance came. And ii stiill waiitiing for bus and jenn call.

She ask mii whether ii gt JH de address ma. I say "ii onlii noe hw to go but dun have de address. :o
I ask back.. U wan go hiis house 4?
Jenn told mii her mum wan come down fiind JH.. =.=
Bcox of de blog thiings jenn wan bomb everythiing... Stupiid gal!!~
Y tiis cb biitch wan make thiings biig? Haiix
So biig liiao stiill cant settle own prob for fk go for stead? Stiill wan mummy help her settle..
Siia suay!~

Den ii noe tat jenn wan tiio JH, ii cal Jh and say wat jenn told mii lo.. After JH noe oso le, He ask mii for jenn no. ii say ii dun havehe ask mii ask from feliiciia.. Den feliiciia onlii gt jenn house no..
JH cal and settle wiif jenn mum. De prob settled le. JH sms mii and told mii everythiing lo.. And ii told laogong everythiing too.

Reach le PS.. I kiio riings le den go walk walk den ii jiiu go home le... And reach home at 7.30pm

Whiile walkiing back home from chiinese garden, ii saw two rainbows one long one short.. xD And ii took tiis pic..

Anyway Miiss laogong all de way.. Hw ii wiish laogong iis wiif mii when all tiis thiing happen. Haiix...
Laogong ii really love and miiss u alot alot alot!!!


Baby !

12:53 PM

YMonday, February 23, 2009
Arlo.. Today iis a very very very bored day.. Laogong called iin de morniing 11am plus? Hmm.. ii diidn't noe laogong wiill call, jiie told mii my phone iis viibratiing. I wanted to piick up but laogong kup phone liiao. T_T (Laogong so bad) :P

After awhiile ii msg laogong, msg tiill 2pm plus? Hmm... 4get le.. >..<

As laogong fall aslp, ii was waiitiing for hiis msg.. After few mins, laogong woke up and have to go immediately for traiiniing. And ii nth to do ma..

I go watch tv norh from 3.45 to 6.30pm.. Watch tiill half way, ii was damm bored and send laogong a very funny msg.. And oso true words to laogong..^^

Laogong was laughiing.. xD

Chattiing wiif laogong ii feel dam happy la.. xD

But... Wiithout hiim ii feel so bored and iirriitatiing.. T_T

Miiss hiis hugs and kiisses everyday.. >,<

Love hiim <33


Baby !

7:30 PM

YSunday, February 22, 2009
Late post... 21 Feb 2009

Yst, went to Tena Merah to fetch laogong and go hiis house tgt.. While on de way to Tena Merah, laogong msg me. He told me tat ltr meeting hiis army friiends to celebrate my bd.. and he wanted to buy cake but ii rejected and ask laogong "can dun celebrate ma?" Den he started to say thiings tat ii really dun liike cox iits nv really happen ma.. >..< Wat laogong says ii really almost cry.. After tat.. We drop down at City Hall take cap to AMK.. As laogong keep ask stupiid questiion. I diiam diiam.. Den tiis and tat la... And we take cab to cine laogong was verii secretive.. >.<
Den laogong and hiis army friend wiif hiis gf and me walk PS to arcade.. Play and play
Laogong played hammer, de fiirst hiit iis y de... den he kiip hiit and hiit de score lower and lower. LOL!!

At last de score went up..
Though iis a boring day, but ii'm happy.

Laogong send me home he looked dam tired.. And slept in de cap for about 30min b4 ii reach home.. Haiix... Miiss laogong so much..T_T

Cant meet hiim everyday or see hiim everytime..

As today iis my BD, ii wiish and hope it will come true..

~Wiish from tmr onwards wiill nv quarrel wiif hiim.
~Wiish ii and ze wiill tgt tiill marriied
~Wiish ii would found a stay forever de job.

22 Feb 2009

Today's my BD.. Happy Biirthday to Mii!!!~

Diidn't go out iin de noon.. ^..^
And straiight waiit tiill 5.15pm Feliiciia called ask me to go Jp wiif her.. Reach le Jp we go walk walk. After tat went to arcade we caught many many sweets.. I spent about $7 feliiciia spent bout $2 and we gt many many sweets!!~ WEEEEEE

We oso went to Jp2 walk iin to actiion ciity^^ Play tiis and tat all spoiilt.. =..=
After awhiile feliiciia asked want play Bball ma. Den we aniithiing lo..
But we diidn't play.. We play catching running around de playground.. LOL

7.42pm ii and dii went home.. And reached home at 8pm... And onliine msn.. So siian
No one onliine.. Except ex westwoodians.. >..<


Baby !

8:50 PM

hello !

♥Disclaimer here :D

Name: ♥ Huishi aka Ryn :D
D.O.B: ♥ 02.22.92
Tis is my blog,like me"welcome"dislike me"Fk off"

Y Loves
♥ Mummy
♥ Hubbiie
♥ Puppiies
♥ Babiies
♥ Bestiies

♥ Father
♥ Smokers
♥ Liiars
♥ Betrayers
♥ Biitchiies
♥ Bastards